Thursday, November 22, 2007

Your First Time Management Tip!

Learn to Speed Read -

I wish I had learned this tip before I finished the bulk of my college education. This one tip might have given me back a year or so of my life. In today’s competitive society it is hard to keep up with all the information pouring in unless we can speed read. People are also very impressed with speed readers and see them as more intelligent (simply because they can’t do it). I used a software program called “Eye-Q” - it currently sells for around $200, and is well worth the price. You can buy a Deluxe Edition for about $250 with 10 licenses. This entire course is 12 sessions of 7-minutes each! Do the math, you’ll be speed-reading in under an hour and a half worth of training. With this amount of training, it’s typical to double your reading speed, some people do significantly better. The other course to try is the classic Evelyn Woods program, but it’s slower (and I hate that!) You can attend a class either in person or online, or you can buy a DVD and video set, but it is very expensive (I hate that too!) (approximately $700).

That's it for now!

Paul J. Cline - Advanced Training Seminars
(More Time Management Tips and other Business Articles here!)

WELCOME! Add your Best Time Management Tips

Welcome to my Blog site!

Here is a place where we can share our BEST Time Management tips with each other. It is also a place to share and discuss resources in this area (books, websites, seminars, Cd's, PowerPoints, etc.)

I think we will see that the discussion gets pretty diverse .... from computer programs to day planners ..... tips for the office to saving time at home and in traffic. Time management, taken to its natural conclusion, involves many aspects of our lives.

Thanks for joining in and sharing!

Paul J. Cline - Advanced Training Seminars (A Tampa Bay Area Business)